Slow Down

Writing Prompts are back for the month of October.
Today’s writing prompt is SLOW DOWN.



for awhile now i’ve been

moving for the sake of motion.
wandering aimlessly
scrolling shamelessly

silent prayers screaming inside
petitions for change
for You to take it all and rearrange

i’m falling behind as i get ahead of myself
dreaming for tomorrow today
while wishing it was yesterday

and i need to open my eyes and realize

that right here
right now i’m alive. 

slow down

slow down and you’ll see it’s always been worth the fight

slow down

put it in the past

and continue with a hope that will last

slow down 

slow down to see grace has always been for you
and me

slow down
slow down to see that today only comes around once

slow down.

Print off the list of writing prompts here.

If you are looking for inspiration or a notebook to write in, visit
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Discount expires on October 31st.


Tanner Olson


Tanner Olson is a writer, speaker, poet, spoken-word artist, & creator of Written to Speak.
He created Written to Speak to spread hope & announce love.

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