a prayer for students

A Prayer for Students

I give thanks to you, Lord, for bringing me into Your world.

Your intricate creation, artistry, and beauty is covered in Your fingerprints.

As I go into another school year, may I be aware of Your sovereign hand and loving heart.

Surround me with teachers, mentors, and coaches who will passionately teach me about Your world and all that is within it.

Open my mind as I seek to discover more about what You’ve placed before me and who You’ve created me to be.

Give me ears to listen, eyes to see, and patience to grow this year.

Teach me to be, even in tiny ways, a friend and helper and example of peace.

And when I grow weary, be my strength.

And when I become discouraged, be my hope.

Lead me to remember that because of Your Son, Jesus, I am forgiven and free.


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