2022: Hope Forward

Two words to live by this year …
Hope forward.

I wrote about these two words six months ago.
I even wrote a poem about them in my latest book, Walk A Little Slower.

They had been rolling around in my head and soon became a mantra of sorts.
These two words have been a faithful reminder to keep going when it’s time to keep going.
Sometimes it’s not the right time to move onto what is next.
Sometimes moving forward looks like being still.
Sometimes the right thing to do is to sit and be and rest and wait.

And I’ll sit and be and rest and wait with hope.

Hope reminds me good is here and good is on the way.
Hope is somehow both here and on the way. 
Hope is beautiful and heavy and needed and comforting.
Without hope it is hard to move forward, but with hope we cannot help but move forward.

So I’ll hold onto hope as I go.

I’ll hope forward as I sit still, take the next step, and meet whatever comes my way.

hope forward
and go further.

Three Books

For more of my poetry, check out my books!

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