A Free Gift

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It is almost Christmas and I want to give you a gift!

Now, I’m not Oprah and cannot give you a car for free.

Sorry to disappoint you.

I put together a PDF Coloring Book.

Words to sit with and color.
Words to hold close and bring alive.
Words to consider as you create.

You can grab the Wait and Wonder Coloring Book for free at my store.
It is free, all you have to do is checkout to get it!

This is a SMALL thank you for your kindness and generosity throughout the year.

There were moments throughout this year when I wondered if this ministry was going to continue.

But here we are.

Moving forward with hope.

Thank you to those of you who are Patrons and who financially support this ministry. This year your gifts have spurred this ministry forward. I cannot thank you all enough.

With hope,


Just add the Coloring Book to your cart and checkout.
You won’t have to pay anything at checkout!


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