Questions to Ask Yourself as the Year Ends

As I look back on 2021 I am reminded I need to sit and be and ask myself a few questions.

I’m learning how helpful processing what has become can be. 

It’s hard, but good.

When we look back we see some things we wish weren’t there and other things that we are happy to remember.

This week I’ll scroll through the photos on my phone as I remember this past year.

The photos of coffee and travel and friends and family and ripped up pieces of paper with handwritten words scribbled on them. 

There are moments I will need to sit with either to celebrate or lay to rest.

There are dreams and fears and goals and relationships I need to reflect upon before I move forward.

As I look back I’ll remind myself how far I’ve come.

I’ll remind myself of God’s grace and timing and love.

And I’ll remember this is not the end.

If anything, I’m just getting started. 

Here are a few questions I’m asking myself as 2021 comes to a close ...

What did you learn in 2021?

What prayers were answered this past year? 

What brought you joy?

Who do you need to thank for helping you make it through this year?

What is a memory from this past year that you’ll be holding onto forever?

What are you leaving behind in 2021?

What are you taking with you into 2022?

Three Books

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