Advent: Longing

Advent begins today.
A season of waiting. 

Advent is the season of preparation leading up to Christmas, when we celebrate the arrival of Christ.
It is the season of expectancy, preparation, and longing.

Expecting for the Messiah to arrive.
Preparing for the Messiah to arrive.
Longing for the Messiah to arrive.

Throughout the Old Testament we hear of those longing for Jesus’ arrival. 

Their words are beautiful and trusting, written with a faith that could not be shaken by the silence or uncertainty.
Today (and most days) I find myself longing for Jesus to arrive.
I am not getting myself lost in a beautiful idea, but I am letting myself be found in a beautiful truth that Jesus will come again and restoration will take place.

Waiting to meet Hope face to face.
Waiting for the darkness to disappear and for every tear to be wiped away. 

Waiting is an invitation to sit with hope as we long for the answer to arrive.

And so I will continue to wait.

As I wait I will trust and wonder.
As I wait I will love and remember.
I’ll remember that through it all He has been good.
And good is who He will continue to be.
I will wait. 
I will wait with my eyes on heaven.

LONGING: A Note to Jesus

There is this holy longing quietly growing inside of me.
It’s stretching north like the wildflowers, braving the winter’s darkness like the homebound.
Day in and out, I offer You open hands and another invitation to meet us here.
Here, where everything is close and far away all at the same time.
Here, where I am caught inside the paradox of waiting with You as I wait for You.
I am hanging in the waiting while faithfully anticipating. 
Patience has its purpose, but today I am ready for Thy Kingdom to come,
to sing with joy like Your mother at Your birth.
Step through the sky or knock on my door in the middle of night,
however You may come, we ask that You do.
If today is that day, I hope and pray You’ll find me with
praise on my lips and love in my heart.
There are no other words except: we long for Your arrival.

For more of my poetry, check out my books!

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