maybe today

maybe today is the new beginning you’ve been praying for.
maybe today is the new beginning you’ve been hoping for.
maybe today is the new beginning you’ve been preparing for.
maybe today is the new beginning you’ve been reaching for.
maybe today is the day.
and i think it might just be.

I wrote these words when we were 8 months or so into the Pandemic.
It was at a time when hope and joy were hard to find.
While on the other hand candy, sourdough bread, and a new tv show were extremely easy to find.
Yet, hope and joy were always there; hidden in plain sight.
I don’t know about you, but throughout the Pandemic I didn’t want to get out of bed most mornings.
I had no … energy.
No drive.
At times it felt like I had no reason to get out of bed.
I didn’t want to write or work or do much of anything.
It felt as though we were living the same day over and over again.
And it was exhausting.
I was desperately ready for change.
I was in need of a new beginning.
You probably were too.

Every morning I would read scripture.
Most days I would force myself to read.
And in the early moments of the day I would see how hope and joy remained.
Despite it all they were there.
I saw hope and joy in the words and actions of Jesus.
I read of hope and joy in the Psalms.
I re-discovered it in the words of the writers and followers of Christ.
And I began to see again and again that something more was happening.
Something more was always happening.
What a gift it was to see this and believe it to be true.

And slowly change came.
A new beginning arrived.
Small beginnings.
Big beginnings.
And through every beginning hope and joy faithfully remained.

For more of my poetry, check out my books!

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